Payment for commercial licenses through the website is temporarily not working, to apply for a license, write to or Instagram @ivantsankoo
Cплата за комерційні ліцензіі через вебсайт тимчасово не працює, для оформлення ліцензії пишіть на пошту або у інстаграм @ivantsankoo
Featured Design
Tsankotype library makes great design solutions for people and brands.
Also, we are happy to see successful designs with our fonts-instruments, so feel free to send us your works with our fonts.
Attack Type in use
by Sorry Press NEWS;
Custom font design + logotype;
for Readellion;
GNIT in use
by Lviv Chocolate
Zvin Serif in use
by Asortymentna Kimnata
Custom vector design
for JUL;
Custom lettering
for Forbes Ukraine;
Work Sans in use
by Save Live Black Box
Menorah Grotesk in use
by 33 Letters for Ukaine
Usefull links
Students showcase
When you purchase our fonts, you not only acquire typefaces but also gain access to design support. Share details about your project that utilizes our typeface, and we'll work together to optimize and enhance it. We're here to assist you in making your project the best it can be.